Housing Solutions
Social Innovation
Collective Living

There is no individual, there is just subject and his their relationship to society. — Gilles Deleuze


Our main goal is to address two old and persistent housing challenges in the West Fjords: housing shortage for newcomers and unused spaces by locals.

The pandemic our world faced has changed the way we work forever. With an increase in people working and studying remotely, more of them want to work closer to nature. Modern ways of working have to be complemented with modern ways of housing.


Our mission is to ease the house searching process for students, digital nomads, creative explorers, adventurers, seasonal workers, or whoever else wants to enjoy the beauty of the West Fjords both seasonally and long-term.

We want to be an alternative to the already existing traditional rental platforms and Facebook Groups, making renting your unused space or looking for new housemates with whom to colive with as easy as possible.

We also want to promote the value of co-living and shared housing, empowering the already strong sense of community that exists in the West Fjords and which makes it so special, safe, and welcoming, and make it easily available to whomever wishes to become a new West Fjords local.


In the future we would like to scale Coliving Westfjords and bring it to East Iceland, North Iceland, and Reykjavík.

We are researching on how to integrate new technologies to make house searching smart, friendly, and as easy as possible.